Sunday, November 8, 2009


Originally uploaded by Jamund Xcot Ferguson
We were pretty festive for Halloween in the 206 ward. On October 26, the FHE hosted a ward pumpkin carving not-contest. Here we have Andres Orellana holding his "Pumpkin King" pumpkin. That was probably the best one, but I shouldn't judge since I didn't see them all.

Some ward members also attended the Barn Dance on October 31. Apparently over 1000 Stake members attended. If only we'd had that kind of attendance at Stake Conference!

Ward FHE October 12

Originally uploaded by Jamund Xcot Ferguson
On October 12, the Ferguson's had a "Bread and Music" FHE. Many of you came and watched Somber Party play an intimate house show. In the photo are ward members Mark Garbett (keys), Brandon Robbins (guitar), Caitlin Watson (singing), and former ward member Nathan Robbins (singing).

Farewell to Summer BBQ

Originally uploaded by Jamund Xcot Ferguson
Now, I'm sorry to say that this activity, held on August 22 at Jolley's Ranch in Hobble Creek Canyon, seemed to be more well attended by the 189 ward than the 206th ward. However, we arrived late and still were blessed to eat tasty meat cooked by Bishop Mackay, corn on the cob, and orange-creme popsicles. Delicious.

Enrichment! I mean, Relief Society Meetings!

For those of you ladies who think you are "too busy" to go to the newly named "Relief Society Meetings" (fomerly "enrichment"), you are missing out. Heather Theodore and her committee have planned some lovely activities over the past few months, including salsa making with Sister Mackay, Sewing Group, Knitting Circle, and... soon to be coming... PIE NIGHT. Look for more photos in coming weeks!

Ward Summer Party

Way back on July 18, we had a combined 189/206 ward activity at Jordanelle Reservoir. For those of you who didn't attend, you missed out enjoying some of the best activities summer in Utah has to offer: free boating, swimming, crowding on tiny "beaches" together, and eating ward-cooked BBQ.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ward Service Project

If you were brave enough to wake up at around 7:00 a.m. on Saturday June 20, you really should have come to Courage Reigns and helped out with the Ward Service Project. Sure, it rained and was a little cold, but we were able to weed, plant, and even help with an Eagle Project! Plus, we were still home in time to catch Provo's Farmers Market.

Mashell Brown and others weeding.

Yes, it is true. Not only is he a Bishop, he is also a grandpa.

p.s. This was the Eagle Scout Project: painting the indoor corral.

Bruce Harr is intense. He painted and then weeded outside.

Another great photo of Bishop/Grandpa Mackay (another multitasking service giver)

If you haven't been to a ward activity recently, you should come just to meet this guy:

His name is Wilbert, and he often comes to ward activities with Logan Theodore (below):
Don't let Logan fool you, though. He is not Logan's Mexican son/cousin. But really, come to activities just to meet him! He is great!


So, once a month the FHE groups meet at a home of one of the Bishopric members. You could have eaten these delicious treats if you went to the Ferguson's house. You still could someday.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Just a note: there is also a flickr group for our ward history. It is entitled "BYU 206." Please feel free to post any photos that you may have taken of any ward events or people!

May 17, 2009: Combined 189/206 Ward Potluck

On the beautiful day of May 17, 2009, delicious food was brought and made by many in both the BYU 206 and 189 wards in honor of our inaugural combined summer potluck.

Really, there was a great deal of tasty food ranging from the sandwich fixings provided by the Activities Committee to potato salads, donuts, chips, fruit salads, cupcakes, etc.

Held on the lawn at the 1st Ward Building, the potluck allowed us all to relax, get to know one another better, and even discover that some of our fellow ward members have cute dogs and bikes... things you just don't know from seeing someone at church. Hmm.

Here are some photos taken by the great Darrell Swain:

Here we have Heather Theodore, Alpha Smoot (I hope I spelled that right!), and Sophie Hayes.

Next, we have John Abrams making a lemonade whipped cream concoction.... which the boys at the potluck seemed to enjoy but which the girls, well, didn't as much.

Here is a photo of the remains of the potluck food. Note the sandwich fixings. Thanks, Activities Committee!

Finally, here is a shot that encompasses the "feel" of the potluck-- blankets, friends, general happiness and relaxation:

The beginning. But not really.

Welcome to the BYU 206 Ward History website/blog... where you can find out what is going on and has gone on in the great organization that is the BYU 206 Ward. Currently we are led by the likes of Bishop Mackay, with counselors Brother Ballard and Brother Ferguson. Check this blog for updates, photos, and information about what we are all up to!